
Showing posts with the label drug abuse and sexual problems

Behavior Therapy for Children

Behavior charts are a great way to motivate kids and help them eliminate negative behaviors. Not only can behavior charts help kids get a handle on tricky behaviors, but they can help kids keep track of chores, homework, reading, instrument practice, and pet care. For behavior charts to work most effectively, you need to use them correctly. For further information contact at 

Opioids: Signs and symptoms

Opioids are narcotic, painkilling drugs produced naturally from opium or made synthetically. This class of drugs includes heroin, morphine, codeine, methadone and oxycodone (OxyContin). Signs and symptoms of use and dependence on these drugs include: Reduced sense of pain, Sedation, Depression, Confusion, Constipation, Slowed breathing, Needle marks (if injecting drugs), Risk of developing HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis.

Central nervous system stimulants: Signs and symptoms

This class of drugs includes amphetamines, methamphetamine, cocaine and methylphenidate (Ritalin). Signs and symptoms of use and dependence on these drugs include: Euphoria, Decreased appetite, Rapid speech, Irritability, Restlessness, Depression as the drug wears off , Nasal congestion and damage to the mucous membrane of the nose in users who snort drugs, Insomnia, Weight loss, Increased heart rate, blood pressure and temperature and paranoia.

Introduction: Peer Counseling Training

Bright Stars Bright Stars: Peer Counseling Training Program for Drug Abuse Prevention was planned in April, 2008 and a structured training program was developed for students with special focus on to develop social and academic skills, to enhance peer relationships, to develop self confidence and to help students develop coping and drug-refusal skills. An Orientation Lecture was oranized by Aghaz-e-Nau for the Heads of Educational Institutes. Force Commander Brig. Babur Idris, Anti Narcotics Force, Punjab presented a well detaileled description on drug abuse situation in the region of Punjab, commonly used drugs and the need of Primary Prevention. All the teachers and department heads were requsted to nominate students to pariticipate in Peer Counseling Training Program. As a result we managed to form a group of 40 students from 4 differnt institutes.First training session was started in November, 2008.