
Showing posts with the label risk factors

Training Workshops for Young students

Aghaz-e-Nau (AeN) plans to start certified  training workshops for young students on "Drug Abuse Prevention Counseling".  AeN will run 2 training workshops over a period of 2 months starting from November, 2010. Training workshops will be conducted twice a week (Saturday & Sunday) from 10:am to 2:pm (32 credit hours).  All the training sessions will be full of activities and highly interactive.  First session will start from  Saturday, 6th of November. Interested students from different colleges and universities of Lahore are requested to get registered by Friday, 5th of November.  Second session will start from December 2010.  There are no charges for these training workshops.   Students will  receive  training in the following areas:   Drug addiction is a brain disease C ommonly used drugs   Health hazards of drug abuse   Other hazards of drug abuse   Identification of personal risk factors   Developing protective factors   Helping others to stay away from

When and how does drug abuse start and progress?

Bright Stars Studies such as the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration indicate that some children are already abusing drugs at age 12 or 13, which likely means that some begin even earlier. Early abuse often includes such substances as tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, marijuana, and prescription drugs such as sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medicines. If drug abuse persists into later adolescence, abusers typically become more heavily involved with marijuana and then advance to other drugs, while continuing their abuse of tobacco and alcohol. Studies have also shown that abuse of drugs in late childhood and early adolescence is associated with greater drug involvement. It is important to note that most youth, however, do not progress to abusing other drugs. Scientists have proposed various explanations of why some individuals become involved with drugs and then escalate to abuse. One explanation points to a biolog

Early Signs Of Risk That May Predict Later Drug Abuse

Some signs of risk can be seen as early as infancy or early childhood, such as aggressive behavior, lack of self-control, or difficult temperament. As the child gets older, interactions with family, at school, and within the community can affect that child’s risk for later drug abuse. Children’s earliest interactions occur in the family; sometimes family situations heighten a child’s risk for later drug abuse, for example, when there is: a lack of attachment and nurturing by parents or caregivers; ineffective parenting; and a caregiver who abuses drugs But families can provide protection from later drug abuse when there is: a strong bond between children and parents; parental involvement in the child’s life; and clear limits and consistent enforcement of discipline Interactions outside the family can involve risks for both children and adolescents, such as: poor classroom behavior or social skills; academic failure; and association with drug-abusing peers. Association with drug-abusing