
Anxiety and Drug Abuse

Bright Stars Some students start using drugs when they experience anxiety. They need to understand that anxiety is a normal and natural physiological response to a threatening situation. The situation could be actual or perceived. In either case it triggers the Fight or Flight response. The Fight or Flight Response is your body's automatic, inborn response that protects your survival. It prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from any real or perceived threat to your survival. When the fight or flight response occurs, it stimulates an area of your brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus prepares your body for fighting or running. It does this by flooding your brain with chemicals such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. This process creates physical reactions. If you lead a very stressful life, your sympathetic nervous system may be sending you “false alarms” much of the time. For example, your fight or flight response may be activated when your t...

When and how does drug abuse start and progress?

Bright Stars Studies such as the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration indicate that some children are already abusing drugs at age 12 or 13, which likely means that some begin even earlier. Early abuse often includes such substances as tobacco, alcohol, inhalants, marijuana, and prescription drugs such as sleeping pills and anti-anxiety medicines. If drug abuse persists into later adolescence, abusers typically become more heavily involved with marijuana and then advance to other drugs, while continuing their abuse of tobacco and alcohol. Studies have also shown that abuse of drugs in late childhood and early adolescence is associated with greater drug involvement. It is important to note that most youth, however, do not progress to abusing other drugs. Scientists have proposed various explanations of why some individuals become involved with drugs and then escalate to abuse. One explanation points to a biolog...

Breakthrough System puts an end to Yo- Yo Dieting for Good

Read an interesting article on weight loss at

Bright Stars Hope: A Poem by Sumaira Shahzad

Bright Stars We all are the stars Shining despite of the scars Its is the brightness we are searching for It’s the darkness we want to cure It’s the destiny we want to ours We all are the stars What if we become sometimes a little dull? Painful, restless with a fearful skull But We all have shine within us That never lets us to burn It’s the shine of truth & spirituality It’s the shine of positivity & orignality The only need is to take off our false masks Is to be honest with our own hearts Then we could be the Bright Stars Shining brightly despite of the scars We all are the stars We all are the stars Sumaira Shahzad Psychologist Aghaz-e-Nau

HIGH Risk Periods for Drug Abuse Among Youth

Bright Stars Research has shown that the key risk periods for drug abuse are during major transitions in children’s lives. The first big transition for children is when they leave the security of the family and enter school. Later, when they advance from elementary school to middle school, they often experience new academic and social situations, such as learning to get along with a wider group of peers. It is at this stage—early adolescence—that children are likely to encounter drugs for the first time. When they enter high school, adolescents face additional social, emotional, and educational challenges. At the same time, they may be exposed to greater availability of drugs, drug abusers, and social activities involving drugs. These challenges can increase the risk that they will abuse alcohol, tobacco, and other substances.When young adults leave home for college or work and are on their own for the first time, their risk for drug and alcohol abuse is very high. Consequently, young...

Poem by Arjumand Ayub

Bright Stars Bright star I want relief….. Some sanity, I am drowned in ignorance. I am in pain I need help! O Star! O Star! O Star! Can you do something for me? Kill my pain… Take my woes, Can you give me strength to face the world? Here I am the bright star, Yes I can help you fight the war. O I am here to light your life, There’s just a little to strive. It’s your trust I have to take, And turn it into your belief to find the way. Arjumand Ayub Trainee

Closing Ceremony