
Mrs. X Y Z

You can call me Mrs. X Y Z. I can't reveal my identity because of so many reasons but I would like to share my experience of recovery with others. It might help other females to get out of their shells. I know there are so many females like me wanting to quit alcohol but are unable to do so. They need to get educated and accept the concept of disease of alcoholism the way I did. I am married and a mother of two sweet children. My history of problem drinking goes back to 20 years. I started drinking at age 20 because of my husband, who was an alcoholic. Now we both are free from the disease of alcoholism. I am in recovery for more than one year now. I was 16 years old, living abroad and studying there. This was the time when I met somebody who was much older than my age. I fell in love with him and got married against my parents' will. Before getting married I knew he was heavily into drinking but for me it was acceptable or may be it was my childish thinking. I didn't know ...

Goal Setting

The difference between a goal and a dream is the written word. Gene Donohue Goal setting is simply having a clear plan and a future vision of where you want to be somewhere in the future, in order to set goals or have a plan you first need to know where do you want to be in the future, you need to have some kind of a dream, something that you really desire to achieve, this can be anything starting from being successful in your academics, getting a good job, having a successful relation, buying a big house or car to being the president of U.S.A. You will have to follow a few simple steps to set your goals. Step 1: develop a burning desire Just sit and think of what do you really desire to achieve, what is the thing that will change your life if you get it, what you really need, what will make you live a happy and proud life rather than living defeated. Visualization can help you much in knowing what you really desire to achieve. Just sit in any place where you won’t get disturbed and d...

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. --Reinhold Niebuhr

New Life

Let’s be connected with ourselves Let’s bring all our fears to an end Let’s stop hating the mistakes Losing trust because of the one "fake" Let’s find the time for deep mental rest Deep, deep and for deep relaxing breath Let’s accept ourselves in the way we are Placing the self in the place of stars Let our eyes free to dreams Sparkling in all the shiny blue beams Let’s take a new positive start today starting a new life and new everyday by Sumaira Shahzad Psychologist Aghaz-e-Nau

Overcome Procrastination

One of the most important steps to develop positive attitude is to overcome procrastination. What is procrastination? Procrastination is when we "put off, delay or postpone important tasks, which we have to complete within a time frame. For example a student might procrastinate when he has to prepare for his exams, submit an assignment or a presentation. Another example could be of a business executive who has been given a deadline to achieve certain goals. Instead of doing that important task at time one will say “I will do it tomorrow” and tomorrow never comes. We might complete it at the eleventh hour if there is no other way out. Doing any important task at the eleventh hour might cause problems like tension, stress, apprehension, anxiety, fear and poor performance. So it is recommended to overcome procrastination. Why do we procrastinate? Causes of Procrastination Early childhood training Poor time management Lack of interest Lack of motivation Inability to organize one’s tho...

Develop Positive Attitude

We need to shift our focus to develop positive thinking. When we start putting focus on positive things, we develop a positive attitude. We can avoid a number of problems and life seems to be colourful. We feel full of energy and we can do a lot in less time. Success becomes our destiny. You can use a few simple techniques to shift your focus from the negative to the positive. • Build a desire to become positive • Look for the positives in self and others • Whenever you become a victim of a negative thought put your focus on your blessings, strengths and achievements • Learn to relax and in relaxed state of mind imagine yourself having a positive attitude • Get in touch with your positive feelings • Share your positive feelings with others

Characteristics of People with Positive Thinking

People with positive thinking will acknowledge their strengths They will appreciate themselves and others They will be relaxed, at peace and happy They will enjoy the company of others They will make others feel happy They will keep realistic expectations from self and others Their focus will remain on the blessings, which they have They will have an attitude of gratitude Their focus will be on success They will be successful in their lives