Seminar on Drug Abuse Prevention at Lahore College Women University

Aghaz-e-Nau (AeN) conducted a seminar on "Drug Abuse Prevention" for the students of Lahore College Women University in collaboration with Anti Narcotics Force Punjab on 9th February, 2011.

AeN is thankful to Mr. Altaf Qamar, Deputy Director General, Anti Narcotics Force (ANF), Pakistan and Brig. Shahid Afzal; Force Commander, Anti Narcotics Force (ANF), Punjab to grace the occasion with their presence.

Ms. Shireen Asad, Associate professor & in charge students’ academic affairs of Applied Psychology Department (LCWU) started the formal session.

The session started with the National Anthem followed by the recitation of Qur’an and Naa’t by the students of LCWU.

A brief introduction of AeN was given by Ms. Shireen Asad. After that she handed over the comparing to Ms. Arjumand Ayub and Ms. Fatima Malik for further proceedings.

Welcome note was given by Ms. Arjumand Ayub, Clinical Psychologist (AeN) followed by a speech by Brig. Shahid Afzal. In his speech, he discussed the role of ANF in Drug Abuse Prevention. He discussed the hierarchy of ANF—the way ANF works. He discussed the MANDATE of ANF including Drug Supply Reduction and Drug Demand Reduction. He elaborated the efforts of ANF in Drug Supply Reduction including Seizures and conviction cases and Drug Demand Reduction including Awareness/Treatment & Rehabilitation.

We believe that information through entertainment is more effective and helps achieve the desired results. The seminar was full of activities performed by young students. Moreover, involvement of youngsters in such activates helps them put at less risk of using drugs. A short play on “Hazards of Drugs” was performed by the students of Punjab University followed by mime by Sana Saleem, student of Health Psychology (LCWU) and a poem by Ms. Sumaira Shahzad, Clinical Psychologist (AeN). All three activities were interrelated. Giving information on hazards of Drug Abuse, Hope that recovery from Drug Addiction is possible and Drug Abuse is a preventable behavior.

There was mime expressing the feelings of a drug addict for the mother. The mime was presented by the student of LCWU.

Sumaira Shahzad recited a poem on "Hope" that recovery from drug addiction is possible and we can make "Lahore A Drug Free City" with determination.

A well A Avery well elaborated presentation was delivered by Dr. Salman Shahid, Project Director Punjab Aids Control Program (PACP) on HIV/AIDS. He explained the relationship between Drugs and HIV/AIDS.

A mime on “Risk Factors and Protective Factors” was presented by the students of LCWU. The idea was to educate the participants about different factors, which put youth at risk to use drugs and factors, which can help them stay away from drugs.

A Poem “My Name is Cocaine” was recited by Zain Aftab and Hassan Aftab. The poem was about the dangerous effects of cocaine on mind, body and other areas of life.

Address by the Chief Guest

The Chief Guest Mr. Altaf Qamar, Deputy Director General, ANF Pakistan started his address with the name of Allah and then paid an attitude of gratitude to the faculty members of LCWU for their help and cooperation. He was also thankful to the organizers of seminar, two of board of directors of Aghaz-e-Nau.
He discussed about “Drug Free Lahore City Project.” Then he showed a song on multimedia projector “Tell Me Why: a song of love for every girl and boy” and explained the rationale behind the song.
In his address, he discussed the present situation of drug addiction in Lahore along with a few clips of people using drugs in Lahore. These clips were really an eye opener as it showed that not only males but females and children are heavily into drugs.  He urged to make Lahore a “Drug Free City.”  He requested the audience to pray for his words to come true. His address was finished followed by a song produced by ANF and sang by Najam Sheraz. The message given by the song was to “We Love Life.” The message was reinforced by candle light vigils by the students of Applied Psychology Department (LCWU).

The formal session was ended by “Pledge” (Oath Taking Ceremony) to live a drug free life and helping others to remain drug free and finally to create drug free Lahore by Seher Aftab. 

Vote of Thanks
Vote of Thanks was given by Dr. Shahryar Aftab, Chairman (AeN)

More than 1200 people attended the seminar including 1200 students, 35 faculty members of LCWU and 40 guests from GOs and NGOs.

Media Coverage
The program was covered by 10 News Papers and 5 TV Channels including City 42, GEO News, ARY TV, Din TV and Sama TV.


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