Drug Addiction Treatment for Females

AeN worked to provide treatment services to female with drug abuse problem from 2006-2009 and the project was funded by UNODC. AeN established two Drop-In Centers in Kachi Basti and Red Light Area, Lahore. The project was implemented with the following objectives:
  • To provide drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation services to females with drug abuse problem
  • To Provide primary health care services and treatment of STIs to females with drug abuse problem
  • To provide HIV/AIDS awareness and education to females with drug abuse problem
  • Implementation of behavior modification tools for assertiveness training, communication skills, role modeling, role rehearsal and negotiation skills for behavioral change and safer sex
  • To develop linkages with existing VCCT facilities for HIV testing


Now a days drug Destroys the lives of most students including girls.This position must stop by creating the awareness of using alcoholism.Volunteer charitable organization should take more care for this kind of problems to female.
Drug Addiction Interventions

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