HIV prevention services to female Drug Users

AeN is working in slums of Lahore and has a network of 40 peer educators. They conduct seminars to create awareness on Drug use and HIV prevention. As a result AeN gets referrals from these areas. AeN is providing treatment and HIV prevention services to female Drug Users/Injecting Drug Users. Still there is a gap that needs to be filled by enhancing quality services for female drug users/injecting drug users and providing following services:
  •  Implementation of appropriate behavior change interventions
  • Provision of condoms and information on proper use and disposal
  • Primary healthcare including wound dressing, abscess drainage and syndromic management of STIs using national guidelines
  • Education on sexual and reproductive health and STIs, and access to acceptable and appropriate services for STIs
  • Access to Voluntary Confidential Counseling and Testing (VCCT) services for Street-based IDUs and their regular sexual partners
  •  “Care and Support” program
  • Promoting an enabling environment in the project area 


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